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Man and Woman Smiling in Goldsboro, NC

Dental Bridges in Goldsboro, NC

Missing teeth can present a whole host of problems for your mouth unless something is done about it. Carolina Dental Arts can solve multiple issues with one treatment: our dental bridges in Goldsboro, NC. They stop teeth from shifting to fill in the gaps and improve your bite by distributing its force more equally. In doing so, they maintain your face's natural shape so that talking and chewing are easier and your smile is every bit as beautiful as it was before, if not more so.

We work with fixed dental bridges, which are secured in place so that only a professional dentist like ours can remove them. These bridges are sometimes called partial dentures because they're attached to either existing teeth or implants. They can also be anchored in place with 2 crowns. Once they're on, you can care for them just like you would any other teeth—with brushing, flossing, and visits to Carolina Dental Arts. Be sure to maintain teeth, crowns, or implants around them too, as they depend on these areas for support.

Hygienist Reviewing X-Rays in Goldsboro, NC

The Dental Bridges Process

We prepare your teeth to accept the bridge by contouring them and removing some of the enamel to make space for the crown. Our experts take impressions to use as a model for the bridge; after all, a perfect fit is essential. While the customized bridge is being made, you get a temporary one that's easy to wear so that you can protect your gums and teeth.

As soon as your bridge is ready, we remove the temporary and place the permanent, making adjustments as necessary. We're confident that it'll serve you well for years. Fixed dental bridges don't move in your mouth, making them much easier to live with than some of the alternatives. You receive all of the help you need in maintaining your bridges from us, as we examine them at cleanings just like we do for your natural teeth.

False Teeth You Won't Be Ashamed Of

We design our fixed dental bridges to be the exact shape, size, and color of your natural teeth, not to mention the same level of functionality. This ensures that you live the same quality of life as before and aren't afraid to show the world your smile. So long as you care for them well, your bridges should last you 10-15 years, making them an investment that pays for itself.

A fixed bridge could be just what your teeth need. Contact us for treatment if you're a resident of Goldsboro, Raleigh, Clayton, Garner, Lagrange, Rosewood, Grantham, Snow Hill, Kinston, Wake Forest, and Princeton, North Carolina.